Sangeeta van Leeuwen
San's Haarcreaties
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Mary Immaculate
In 1995 hebben we met z’n vijven (mijn ouders, zus en broer) dit tehuis bezocht. En uiteraard kon toen een groepsfoto met alle nonnen niet ontbreken!

Mary Immaculate
Nagpur, India.
Dit convent wordt geleid door nonnen. Het is ook een meisjesschool.
Foundation: 25th March 1890
Pioneers: Mother Marie Gertrude, Mother Marie de Kostka, Sr. Joseph of the Visitation and Sr. Madeline of the Blessed Sacrament are the pioneers.
Present Ministries:
- Participation in the pastoral activities such as youth group, Basic Christian Community and Small Christian Community, teaching catechism in the parishes.
- Family visits in the neighborhood
- Promoting education of the girls through boarding and hostel specially for single parent, slum areas and economically backward families
- English and Hindi medium school for girls from nursery to class X. Preference is given to students coming from weaker section of the society.
- Diploma in Education: two years course to prepare future teachers not only with academic excellence but providing value based education.
- Providing hosts for Nagpur diocese and neighboring dioceses.